Welcome to the Merrimack Valley Chapter of NAVHDA
Are you interested in hunting and want to train your dog to become a versatile hunting companion? Look no further than the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). As a non-profit organization, NAVHDA focuses on promoting the versatile hunting dog by testing and evaluating dogs’ natural and training abilities, as well as hunt tests. Not only that, but NAVHDA also offers valuable information, education, and resources to assist owners in better understanding and training their versatile hunting dogs to help them reach their full potential. NAVHDA tests are open to hunting dogs of the 30 recognized breeds, covering a range of areas such as pointing, retrieving, tracking, and water work. NAVHDA’s certification program is considered the highest level of testing available for versatile hunting dogs, and by meeting the strict standards set by the organization, your dog can receive well-deserved recognition for their exceptional ability. NAVHDA’s work is crucial in furthering the development of versatile hunting dogs by acknowledging their capability and providing recognition to those who meet the highest standards.

NAVHDA Exclusive Sponsors
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Roads leading into training/testing sites.
Please drive slowly on the roads leading into the testing/training sites. 15 mph. We need to be respectful of people that live there.
Bird Order Payment
To purchase birds for a training clinic via credit card, visit this link.
NAVHDA International
International membership forms, test entry forms, etc. can all be found at this link Navhda Forms Express
MVNAVHDA Shirts and Hats
We have some inventory of shirts and hats for sale. They can be purchased at a test or training day.